
Investment Agents for Long Term Return


Sonja Dahbi
Executive Assistant

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Sonja Dahbi is executive assistant and responsible for the office management at Dr. Hengster, Loesch & Kollegen. She has a several years of experience in project and event management as well as in dialogue marketing.

Sonja graduated from the Otto Friedrich University in Bamberg with a degree in business administration specializing in marketing and international management.

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Dr. Hengster, Loesch & Kollegen GmbH is acting in the context of investment brokerage and investment advice in financial instruments pursuant to Section 2 (2) No. 3 and No. 4 of the German Securities Institutions Act ("WpIG") as a contractually tied agent pursuant to Section 3 (2) WpIG exclusively for the account and under the liability of AHP Capital Management GmbH, Weissfrauenstrasse 12-16, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, ("AHP").