
Investment Agents for Long Term Return


Dr Rupert Hengster
Managing Partner

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Dr Rupert Hengster is a lawyer, an MBA graduate and a founding member of Dr. Hengster, Loesch & Kollegen. He has many years of experience in various leadership functions within the asset management business.

Until 2013, he was responsible for business in Germany and Austria in his capacity as management spokesman at Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management.

Between 2004 and 2010, he worked at Sal. Oppenheim as management spokesman of Oppenheim Kapitalanlagegesellschaft (OKAG) and as head of the Asset Management division, with responsibility for sales, risk management and business area development.

Prior to that, he held the position of managing director and management spokesman at WestAM/WestLB Asset Management Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH.

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Dr. Hengster, Loesch & Kollegen GmbH is acting in the context of investment brokerage and investment advice in financial instruments pursuant to Section 2 (2) No. 3 and No. 4 of the German Securities Institutions Act ("WpIG") as a contractually tied agent pursuant to Section 3 (2) WpIG exclusively for the account and under the liability of AHP Capital Management GmbH, Weissfrauenstrasse 12-16, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, ("AHP").