
Investment Agents for Long Term Return



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Agora Invest GmbH is an independent, owner-operated consultancy firm based in Düsseldorf. Agora Invest specialises in designing and structuring projects for institutional and semi-institutional investors in Germany.

Due to political and, in particularly, economic factors, the German SME segment requires financing for projects that often exceed the expertise and capital available at local credit institutions.

In order to satisfy investor needs as well, the experienced Agora Invest management team takes into account the regulatory requirements set out in the Investment Regulation (AnlV) and Solvency II, as well as the specific requirements relating to an investment’s risk/return profile, when implementing its sustainable investment structures.

The management’s long-standing experience within the corporate finance sector is the key success factor when it comes to designing return-optimised solutions for investors.

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Dr. Hengster, Loesch & Kollegen GmbH is acting in the context of investment brokerage and investment advice in financial instruments pursuant to Section 2 (2) No. 3 and No. 4 of the German Securities Institutions Act ("WpIG") as a contractually tied agent pursuant to Section 3 (2) WpIG exclusively for the account and under the liability of AHP Capital Management GmbH, Weissfrauenstrasse 12-16, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, ("AHP").